Cumulus Green 2022

Honorable Mention

AYA tecnologías

Ronald Alan Moraga Arias, Fernando Muñoz Flores, Pía Pereira Alarcón, Liliana Leopold Mendoza, Carla Alarcón Villegas, Raúl Fuica Vicuña, Lucas Reyes Molina

Instituto profesional DuocUC, Chile

Currently, the production and consumption of food is a critical issue for our developing society. The cost and access to a sustainable, healthy, and nutritious food matrix is complex. This scenario becomes much more complex in the context of a situation of social vulnerability, humanitarian crisis, increasing the difficult for people to access sufficient nutrient sources for survival.

AYA Technologies project was born as a development of autonomous and integrated aquaponics and aeroponics technologies, and as a synergistic producer of plant and animal biomass to feed families in extreme situations, and now has become a collaborative project that benefits a community at risk, as it is a socially responsible system. Covering not only humanitarian support, but also showing concern for the environment; seeking to favour geographical areas that do not have the optimal conditions to develop traditional agriculture, either due to the same action and influence of the human being, such as natural disasters or the consequences of climate change.

Research Process

Students and teachers developed a searching process for existing references, developing the product concept based on the knowledge acquired in this research and the discussion during the development of the activities.

Thus, it also allowed us to determine technologies applicable to food production in vulnerable socio-food environments, thanks to collaborative work processes and guided discussion. Together, with the application of a concept validation prototype, we were able to determine technologies close to autonomy and self-sustainability, which were designed for its use in each context; all of this approached from the point of view of qualitative research of an exploratory and collaborative nature.

The project has two mayor impacts. In the case of the students, we see their participation stands out; From the beginning, their role was considered paramount. From the development of the logo that identifies us today, to the experimental work with the different generations that have participated, it has allowed us to define the “product” of this work.

Living the “AYA experience” has allowed them to apply the knowledge acquired in their years of study, and not only that, but a collaborative work environment has been generated, demonstrating that by being part of the team, they are not just students, but also, they are regarded as professional peers. This experience has allowed to have a perception of themselves, as part of a project academic community, where everyone has a relevant role and intense collaboration work.

Collaborative work allows students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and enhance their development beyond the course they receive.

In the communitarian point of view, AYA has become a collaborative project that benefits a community at risk, which has attracted international interest, as it is a socially responsible system. Covering not only humanitarian support, but also showing concern for the environment; seeking to favour geographical areas that do not have the optimal conditions to develop traditional agriculture, either due to the same action and influence of the human being, such as natural disasters or the consequences of climate change.