Cumulus Green 2022

Honorable Mention

Fó – the analog oat milker

Daniel Larsson

Lund University, Sweden

Some of today’s mass-produced foods requires advanced packaging, refrigerated storage and long transports resulting in harmful emissions. When they are actually really easy to make at home in your kitchen, with ingredients you often already find in your pantry. Oat milk is one of those foods included in that category, with simple means you can make homemade oat milk competing with the store-bought quality. The purpose of Fó is to draw attention to the food industry’s climate footprint and the power of the individual’s action.

How to make oat milk:

  • Mix oat, honey, vegetable oil and water in a blender.
  • Strain.
  • Your homemade oat milk is ready.

Fó is an analog kitchen appliance in three pieces designed to simplify the process and make oat milk an even more sustainable choice. By removing unnecessary packaging, large refrigerated storage and long transports you lower the CO2 footprint to a minimum. The three pieces contains one glass container, one blending lid and one strainer lid. The lids are made from anodized aluminum and stainless steel which makes them highly durable, long-lasting and entirely free from plastic. All parts are separable, if any part would wear out or break, this allows you to change it out for a new part and recycle the old one.

How Fó works:

  • Add all ingredients to the glass container.
  • Put the blender lid on and crank it as fast as you can.
  • When your arm is tired you change lids.
  • Push the strainer down slowly, all the way to the bottom.
  • Now pour the oat milk into another container for storage.

The glass container holds 1000ml which gives you about 800ml oat milk and some excess oats. You can use the excess oats for baking, natural plant fertilizer or for making homemade müsli. Nothing should go to waste!