Cumulus Green 2022

Honorable Mention


Johannes Englmann, Franziska Engel, Robert Heiser, Viviana Reckert

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg, Germany

One third of all food produced worldwide is thrown away. We are able to change this. We can use these resources to avoid that food is thrown away. The food we waste is missing elsewhere in the world. We in the western world can change our behavior and help that those resources could be used where it’s really needed. That’s why we decided to develop an app that helps avoiding food waste and also raise awareness for the topic of foodwaste and climate change. Climate change – also responsible for the fact that there will be even more hunger in the future.

Our Solution

ODDS&FRIENDS, an app where young people enter their food leftovers and meet up for cooking. You add your leftover food via a photo mechanism to the app. Every Thursday, depending on the food you have previously entered, you will be thrown together to meet up and cook together your leftovers with other people. By coming together and using up their odds and ends we want to connect this change of habits with positive emotions. The exciting challenges like e.g. eating without hands at every ODDS&FRIENDS event support this.

Through these cooking events, food is recycled that would have otherwise ended up in the trash. At the same time, participants meet new people, have an inexpensive dinner, and have the chance to form new friendships. The long term goal is to change the foodwaste behavior of young people.